
Chicken IgY immunoglobulin fraction (10 mg)

Chicken IgY immunoglobulin fraction contains chicken immunoglobulin Y from non immunized animals and

商家询价 Agrisera AB

AOX | AOX positive control/quantitation standard

The AOX calibrated protein standard can be used in combination with Agrisera global anti-AOX antibodies (AS04 054) to quantitate AOX from a wide range of species. Global antibodies are raised against

商家询价 Agrisera AB



商家询价 仪多多生物商城

SBP | Sedoheptulose-1,7-bis phosphatase positive control/quantitation standard

The SBPase calibrated protein standard can be used in combination with Agrisera global anti-SBPase antibiodies (AS15 2873) to quantitate SBPase from a wide range of species. Global antibodies are rais

商家询价 Agrisera AB