Recombinant Human NRG1-β2 Protein
Product Information Product Name Cat# Size Recombinant Human NRG1-β2 Protein 92710ES10 10μg 92710ES50 50μg 927
Recombinant Human RSPO1 Protein
产品描述 R-Spondin 1 (RSPO1, Roof plate-specific Spondin 1), also known as cysteine-rich and single thrombospondin domain containing protein 3, is a 27
Recombinant Human Hepatocyte Growth Factor (Human HGF)
Product Information Product Description HGF is a potent, mesenchymally-derived mitogen for mature parenchymal hepatocytes, and acts as a growth facto
Recombinant Mouse TRAIL/TNFRSF10 Protein,His Tag
TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), also called apoptosis 2 ligand (Apo2L) for its similarity in sequence, structure, and function to Fas L
Recombinant Mouse Noggin Protein(HEK293)
产品信息 产品名称 产品编号 规格 Recombinant Mouse Noggin Protein(HEK293) 重组人noggin蛋白(HEK293) 92291ES25 25 μg 92291ES60 100 μg 92291E
Recombinant Human IFN-beta Protein
产品信息 产品名称 产品编号 规格 Recombinant Human IFN-beta Protein 91221ES10 10 μg 91221ES60 100μg 产品简介 干扰素家族的蛋白质在诱导对广泛的病毒感染的非特异性耐药
Recombinant Human VEGF165 Protein
VEGF 165, also known as Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 165, is a protein that plays a critical role in angiogenesis, the process of forming new bl
Recombinant Human NT-4 Protein
Product Information Product Name Cat# Size Recombinant Human NT-4Protein 92114ES05 2μg 92114ES10 10 μg 92114ES50 5
产品信息 产品名称 产品编号 规格 Recombinant Bovine Fetuin A Protein 重组牛胎球蛋白A 92290ES03 1 mg 92290ES10 10 mg 92290ES60 100 mg 产品简介 本
产品名称 货号 规格 RecombinantHumanWnt-3aProtein重组人Wnt3a蛋白(液体) 92294ES10 10μg 92294ES60 100μg 92294ES76 500μg 92294ES