

作者:北京安必奇生物科技有限公司 2019-04-02T00:00 (访问量:7950)


重组腺相关病毒载体(rAAV) 源于非致病的野生型腺相关病毒,由于其安全性好、宿主细胞范围广(分裂和非分裂细胞)、免疫源性低,在体内表达外源基因时间长等特点,被视为最有前途的基因转移载体之一,在世界范围内的基因治疗和疫苗研究中得到广泛应用。AAV已被用于多例临床试验(例如FIX,CFTR,Parkinson's,Canavan疾病)没有表现出严重的载体相关不良反应。



产品编号 产品名 产品描述
DMAB6351 Anti-AAV1 (intact particle) monoclonal antibody, Clone BEL2b [Biotin] Specifically detects AAV1 intact virus particles, both empty and full capsids. DMAB6351 recognizes a conformational epitope of assembled capsids, not present in denatured and native unassembled capsid proteins. Not suitable for Immunoblotting. In immunofluorescence, a weak cross-reactivity was observed with AAV6. No reaction with AAV type 2, 3, 4, 5.
DMAB6350 Anti-AAV1 (intact particle) monoclonal antibody, Clone BEL2b Specifically detects AAV1 intact virus particles, both empty and full capsids. DMAB6350 recognizes a conformational epitope of assembled capsids, not present in denatured and native unassembled capsid proteins. Not suitable for Immunoblotting. In immunofluorescence and dot plot analysis, a weak cross-reactivity was observed with AAV6 and AAV12. No reaction with other AAV types.
CABT-B9061 Anti-AAV2 (intact particle) monoclonal antibody, clone B31 [Biotin] Specifically detects intact virus particles, both empty and full capsids. With AAV2 and AAV3 CABT-B9061 recognizes a conformational epitope of assembled capsids, not present in denatured and native unassembled capsid proteins. Not for WB.
CABT-B9062 Anti-AAV2 (intact particle) monoclonal antibody, clone B31 Specifically detects intact virus particles, both empty and full capsids. With AAV2 and AAV3 CABT-B9061 recognizes a conformational epitope of assembled capsids, not present in denatured and native unassembled capsid proteins. Not for WB.
DMAB6346 Anti-AAV2 Replicase monoclonal antibody, Clone A227.8 Recognizes AAV replicase proteins Rep 78, Rep 68, Rep 52 and Rep 40 in AAV-infected cells. In Immunoblotting prominant reaction with Rep 78 and Rep 68, only faint reaction with Rep 52 and Rep 40.
DMAB6345 Anti-AAV2 Replicase monoclonal antibody, Clone A304.10 Recognizes AAV replicase proteins Rep 78, Rep 68, Rep 52 and Rep 40 in human AAV-2-infected cells. Cross-reactivity with AAV serotypes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 (4,11 and 12 were negative). A weak cross-reactivity is seen in some human cell lines.
DMAB6347 Anti-AAV2 Replicase monoclonal antibody, Clone A77.4 Recognizes AAV replicase proteins Rep78 and Rep52 in human AAV2-infected cells, no reaction with Rep68 and Rep40. Weak cross-reaction with AAV-serotype 3.
DMAB6348 Anti-AAV2 VP1 monoclonal antibody, Clone B2 DMAB6348 reacts with VP1 of AAV-2; weak cross-reaction with serotypes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6. In immunoprecipitation, an occasional reaction with a non-AAV-derived protein is found.
DMAB6349 Anti-AAV2 VP1/VP2 monoclonal antibody, Clone B610 Recognizes AAV-2 viral capsid proteins VP1 and VP2, which are highly enriched in the nucleus. Weak cross-reaction with serogroups 1, 3, and 6.
DPAB2423 Anti-AAV2 VP1/VP2/VP3 polyclonal antibody Reacts with VP1, VP2 and VP3. Raised against recombinant AAV-2 capsid proteins.
CABT-B9063 Anti-AAV4 (intact particle) monoclonal antibody, clone BEL5 [Biotin] Specifically detects AAV4 intact virus particles, both empty and full capsids. CABT-B9063 recognizes a conformational epitope of assembled capsids not present in denatured and native unassembled capsid proteins. No cross-reaction with other AAV serotypes.
DMAB6352 Anti-AAV4 (intact particle) monoclonal antibody, Clone BEL5 Specifically detects AAV4 intact virus particles, both empty and full capsids. DMAB6352 recognizes a conformational epitope of assembled capsids not present in denatured and native unassembled capsid proteins. No cross-reaction with other AAV serotypes.
DMAB6355 Anti-AAV5 (intact particle)monoclonal antibody, Clone BEL6b [Biotin] Specifically detects intact virus particles, both empty and full capsids. DMAB6355 recognizes a conformational epitope of assembled capsids, not present in denatured and native unassembled capsid proteins. No cross-reaction with other AAV serotypes. The antibody is not suitable for Immunoblotting.
DMAB6353 Anti-AAV5 (intact particle) monoclonal antibody, Clone BEL6b Specifically detects intact virus particles, both empty and full capsids. DMAB6353 recognizes a conformational epitope of assembled capsids, not present in denatured and native unassembled capsid proteins. No cross-reaction with other AAV serotypes. The antibody is not suitable for Immunoblotting.
DMAB6354 Anti-AAV5 (intact particle)monoclonal antibody, Clone BEL6c Specifically detects intact virus particles, both empty and full capsids. DMAB6353 recognizes a conformational epitope of assembled capsids, not present in denatured and native unassembled capsid proteins. No cross-reaction with other AAV serotypes. The antibody is not suitable for Immunoblotting.
DPAB2424 Anti-AAV5 polyclonal antiserum Raised against recombinant AAV5 capsid proteins. The antibody reacts with virus capsid proteins VP1, VP2, VP3 of AAV5; no cross-reaction with AAV types 1 - 4.
CABT-B9064 Anti-AAV6 (intact particle) monoclonal antibody, clone BEL7 Useful for analysis of the AAV assembly process. CABT-B9064 specifically reacts with intact adeno-associated virus particles, empty and full capsids. Recognizes a conformational epitope of assembled capsids. Specific for AAV-6. No cross-reaction with AAV type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 was observed. Not for use in WB.
CABT-B9065 Anti-AAV8 (intact particle) monoclonal antibody, clone BEL9 For characterization of different stages of infection and very useful for analysis of the AAV assembly process. CABT-B9065 specifically reacts with intact adeno-associated virus particles, empty and full capsids. Recognizes a conformational epitope of assembled capsids. Not for use in immunoblotting.
CABT-B9066 Anti-AAV8/9 (intact particle) monoclonal antibody, clone BEL9/0 For characterization of different stages of infection and very useful for analysis of the AAV assembly process. CABT-B9066 specificallyreacts with intact adeno-associated virus particles, empty and full capsids. Recognizes a conformational epitope of assembled capsids. The antibody cannot be used for immunoblotting using denaturing conditions.
DPAB-AV01 Anti-AAV9 (intact particles)monoclonal antibody, clone BEL0 Useful for analysis of the AAV assembly process. DPAB-AV01 specifically reacts with intact adeno-associated virus particles, empty and full capsids. Recognizes a conformational epitope of assembled capsids. Not for use in WB.


检测AAV滴度的方法目前包括ELISA,qPCR,ddPCR,DNA斑点印迹,AAV转染检测(Transduction Assay),ICA(Infectious Center Assay)法测感染滴度。


产品编号 产品名 规格
DEIA590 AAV1 Titration ELISA Kit 96 Tests
DEIA589 AAV2 Titration ELISA Kit 96 Tests
DEIA591 AAV5 Titration ELISA Kit 96 Tests
DEIAAV6 AAV6 Titration ELISA Kit 96 Tests
DEIAAV8 AAV8 Titration ELISA Kit 96 Tests
DEIAAV9 AAV9 Titration ELISA Kit 96 Tests



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